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© Martina Sandrini, Un altro cappuccino? |
I usually write my posts in Italian, but this time I'll do it in English because I want my message to be as widely understandable as possible. It's just like the translation of the restaurant menu. You understand, you eat.
I adress to the foreign visitors of this blog and to the foreign visitors of my country (not that I think that this blog has many foreigners in its readers, but I'll do it just in case). So, this column's aim is to give tips for a better short or long cohabitation. It's made for those who are in Italy, planning to come, or have been and are now regretting their mistakes. It won't be a sterile complaint among Italians. It is just a way not to have a big sign on you that says Foreigner.
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine about a strange phenomenon we all notice. I'm referring to a simple foreigners' habit that has been upsetting Italians for decades. It happens when they see foreign tourists order cappuccino in the afternoon, in the evening or even - that's the worst thing of all - during a meal.
So please, don't think that we drink cappuccino all day long: after 11 a.m. it is not culturally acceptable to have one (11 a.m. referring to a late breakfast). And don't you think that just by having a cappuccino anytime you're going through a path of cultural integration. Please order your cappuccino in the morning considering that CAPPUCCINO IS A BREAKFAST DRINK and nothing more. They'll serve it later if you ask, but everybody will probably think that that's ridiculous. The barman, the waiter, and even passers-by.
Tip: If you like the taste of milk and coffee, you can drink a caffè macchiato (coffee with a bit of milk). This, being a subtype of coffee, is accepted as a all-day beverage. And, of course, we also drink tea if you prefer.
If you feel that the amount of caffeine in your body is reaching worrying levels, do ask for a "decaffeinato". Same taste, no caffeine (they say).
4 commenti:
Stavolta sono in controtendenza: ho sempre guardato con simpatia gli stranieri (soprattutto svizzeri e tedeschi) che al mare ordinano un buon cappuccino alla fine di un frugale pranzo al bar della spiaggia. Qualche volta mi sono divertito a imitarli, anche per godermi le reazioni scandalizzate e conformiste degli astanti...
Credo che la cosa origini anche da un giusto fastidio degli stranieri per i caffè troppo ristretti serviti da certi gestori: ci sono posti in cui il "caffè lungo" è una specie di sputo schiumoso nella tazzina. Figuriamoci quello normale... :-))))
Ehehe ma certo che poi ognuno è libero di ordinare quello che vuole... mia zia faceva allegramente merenda col latte macchiato! :)
Secondo me comunque nella maggior parte dei casi gli stranieri al bar o al ristorante (soprattutto gli americani) non sanno nemmeno che prendere il cappuccino la mattina sia un atto conformista.
In che modo si possono rompere le regole se non si conoscono? Una rivoluzione inconsapevole poco giova al rivoluzionario.
Ciao Zio e grazie! :D
avec ou sans chantilly?
Avec. Che domande!! :D
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